Nov 28, 2017  In order to join the legion you’ll want to head to one of their outposts, Castle Dour. Castle Dour is found in Solitude, which is found in the Northwest of Skyrim. DIY Brick Rocket Stove - Cooking Without Electrical Power - Duration: 23:40. Live Simple, Live Free - Tinyhouse Prepper Recommended for you.

I've looked everywhere for a clear answer to this, but no one feels like giving it, so off to ask for myself again..

If I join the imperial legion in skyrim, will it effect gameplay? Will I be able to enter stormcloak towns and walk around/trade in them as normal? All any of the wikis or Yahoo answers things talk about is the story, but I just want to know whether I'll be blocked from certain areas or not, I wouldn't want to join a faction only to find I now can't enter half the towns without 3 million invisibility potions.

I went to several towns with them it it, and they didn't bother me. Now, at the camps, they threatened to kill me if I didn't move along. Which I did.



At least that was the case for me.

Required Items{{{req_items}}}
TypeCivil War
Quest GiverLegate Rikke
LocationCastle Dour
Fort Hraggstad
RewardsImperial Armor Set
Alt Rewards
Required Level
Followed byThe Jagged Crown
Quest Objectives

Walkthrough[editedit source]

To join the Imperial Legion, travel to the city of Solitude in the north-west of Skyrim and speak to General Tullius. He will remember you from the Imperial fort, Helgen, when you were brought in as a captive before the dragon attacked.

He will tell you to talk to Legate Rikke, his second in command. She decides that before letting you join the legion she wants to test your abilities. She then tells you to go to Fort Hraggstad to the west of Solitude and eliminate the bandits who now inhabit it.

Clear out Fort Hraggstad[editedit source]

This quest requires that you eliminate every bandit in the fort, including the few who are outside. There are two interior areas that have bandits and a few bowmen positioned inside. If you kill several of them and still have not completed the quest, you should see quest markers to every surviving bandit.

Note: Systematically exploring Skyrim the Dragonborn may already have cleared the fort, thus need not do so again.

Report to Legate Rikke[editedit source]

When all the bandits are dead, return to Legate Rikke in Solitude. She will congratulate you and send you back to General Tullius.

Take the oath[editedit source]


He will then ask you to swear the oath of the Imperial Legion. Once you do this, you have officially joined the Legion. You carry the starting rank of Auxiliary. Tullius will direct you to the blacksmith to be issued with Legion armour.

Note: Completing this quest causes Joining the Stormcloaks to fail, for obvious reasons.

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