2007/7/20, Paul Sijben: From the events defined for a wx.TextCtrl I conclude that I can not get an event that a user has clicked in a wx.TextCtrl.

Paul Sijben wrote:
> >From the events defined for a wx.TextCtrl I conclude that I can not get
> an event that a user has clicked in a wx.TextCtrl.
> Is this conclusion correct? If not, can some kind soul please point me
> to how to detect that?
I don't think so, see attached.
> Paul
import wx
def create(parent):
return Frame1(parent)
] = [wx.NewId() for _init_ctrls in range(2)]
class Frame1(wx.Frame):
def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
# generated method, don't edit
wx.Frame.__init__(self, id=wxID_FRAME1, name=', parent=prnt,
pos=wx.Point(184, 184), size=wx.Size(400, 250),
self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(384, 214))
self.textCtrl1 = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_FRAME1TEXTCTRL1, name='textCtrl1',
parent=self, pos=wx.Point(120, 80), size=wx.Size(100, 21),
style=0, value='textCtrl1')
self.textCtrl1.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnTextCtrl1LeftDown)
self.textCtrl1.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnTextCtrl1LeftUp)
def __init__(self, parent):
def OnTextCtrl1LeftDown(self, event):
print 'left down'
def OnTextCtrl1LeftUp(self, event):
print 'left up'
if __name__ '__main__':
app = wx.PySimpleApp()
frame = create(None)
wxPython caret move event – Stack Overflow

A text controls allow the text to be displayed and edited.

Perhaps the single line or multi-line. Note that many texts discovered control method in the base class which is common to the base class and other controls using a single line of text entry field (for example).

This class supports the following styles:

wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER: control will produce wxEVT_TEXT_ENTER event that can be handled by the program. If not, that is fine if the style is not specified at all, or used, but there is no event for the occasion or event handler is called to avoid override the default handling, press the Enter key either processed internally by the control or used to activate the default button dialog, if there

wx.TE_PROCESS_TAB :. Normally, the TAB key is used to navigate the keyboard and pressing the control switch focus to the next. With this style, this will not happen and if TAB is not processed (eg by wxEVT_CHAR event handler), literal TAB characters entered into the control. Note that this style has no effect on single-line text control when using wxGTK

wx.TE_MULTILINE :. Control allows multiple lines of text. If this style is not specified, the line break character should not be used in the control value

wx.TE_PASSWORD: . Text will echo as a sign

wx.TE_READONLY: The text will not be editable user

wx.TE_RICH :. Use the controls below MSW rich text, this allows more than 64KB of text in the control. This style is ignored under other platforms

wx.TE_RICH2 :. Use rich text control version 2.0 or higher under MSW, this style is ignored under other platforms

wx.TE_AUTO_URL: Highlight the URL and generate TextUrlEvents when a mouse event occurs on their

wx .TE_NOHIDESEL :. By default, Windows controls the text does not indicate choice when it does not have focus – use this style to force it to always show it. He did not do anything under other platforms

wx.HSCROLL :. A horizontal scrollbar will be created and used, so the text will not be wrapped. No effect under GTK1

wx.TE_NO_VSCROLL :. For multiline control only: the vertical scrollbar will never be made. This limits the amount of text that can be inserted into the control to what can be displayed under wxMSW but not under wxGTK or wxOSX. It is currently not implemented for other platforms

wx.TE_LEFT :. The text in the control will be left-justified (default)

wx.TE_CENTRE :. Text in the will control centers (wxMSW, wxGTK, wxOSX)

wx.TE_RIGHT :. text in the control will be right-justified (wxMSW, wxGTK, wxOSX)

wx.TE_DONTWRAP .: same as wx.HSCROLL style: no wrapping at all, shows a horizontal scrollbar is not

wx .TE_CHARWRAP :. for multiline control only: wrap the line is too long to fit on the display at any position (wxUniv, wxGTK, wxOSX)

wx.TE_WORDWRAP :. for multiline control only :. wrap the line too long to display entirely on word boundaries (wxUniv, wxMSW, wxGTK, wxOSX)

wx.TE_BESTWRAP: For multiline control only: wrap lines at word boundaries or other characters if there are more words long of the width of the window (this is the default)

TE_CAPITALIZE :. on PocketPC and Smartphone, causing the first letter capitalized.

Note that the style of alignment (wx“w x.TE_LEFT“, wx.TE_CENTRE and wx.TE_RIGHT) can be changed dynamically after the creation of the control on wxMSW, wxGTK and wxOSX. wx.TE_READONLY, wx.TE_PASSWORD and wrapping styles can be dynamically changed under wxGTK but not wxMSW. Other styles can only be set during the manufacture of control.

Controls the multiline text always save the text as a sequence of lines separated by ‘ n’ character, ie in Unix text format even on non-Unix platforms. It allows the user code to ignore the difference between the platform but the price: the index in control as returned by or can not be used as an index into the string returned by because they would be a little off to the platform using the “ r n” as separator ( like Windows does). Conversely, if you need to get a substring between the two indices obtained from the control with the help of the functions mentioned above, you should use and indexes themselves can only be sent to other methods, for example, or To summarize: never use the index returned by (multiline ) as an index to a string containing, but merely as arguments to be passed back to the other methods. This problem does not appear for a single-line platform, but where did the control index in accordance with the position in the string value.

It is possible to use a linear positioning, ie roughly (but not always exactly as described in the previous section) an index of characters in the text contained in the control or XY coordinates, ie the columns and rows of characters when working with this class and provides functions and to convert between the two. In addition, the position control can be converted into coordinates in pixels to use that can be useful for example to show the popup menu close to a given character. And, in the other direction, can be used to find a character under, or near, the coordinates of a given pixel. To be more precise, the position is actually referring to the gap between the characters rather than the characters themselves. Thus, the position 0 is before the first character in the control and so position applies even when the control is empty. And if the control contains one character, he has two valid positions: 0 before this character and 1 – after. This, when the documentation of various functions mentioned “Invalid position”, does not consider the position after the last character of the line is not valid, only the position beyond that (eg 2 and greater example a single character) is not actually valid.

multi-line text controls support the styling, which gives the possibility to set the colors and fonts for individual characters in it (note that under the force needed to support Windows TE_RICH style). To use either style you can contact before entering text or call then change the style of text that is already in control (the first solution is much more efficient). In both cases, if the force does not specify the attributes (for example, you only want to adjust the color of the text, but without changing the font and background text), the values ​​of the default style will be used for them. If no default styles, text attributes control their own use. So the following code to correctly describe what it does: a second call not to change the foreground color of the text (which is still red), while the latter does not change the background color (which remains gray):

This class multiply- inherit from std :: streambuf (except for some really old compiler uses non-standard iostream library), which enables the following code:

Note that even if you build of wxWidgets does not support this ( HAS_TEXT_WINDOW_STREAM symbol has a value of 0 then) you can still use its own in a stream-like manner:

However, the possibility to create a std :: ostream associated with it may be useful if you need to redirect the output of the function takes a std :: ostream as a parameter to control the text. Another common needs are asked to steer std :: cout to a text control. This can be done as follows :.

But wxWidgets provide convenient class to make it simpler so instead you may only do

See StreamToTextRedirector for more details

The following commands are processed by default event in: ID_CUT, ID_COPY, ID_PASTE, ID_UNDO, ID_REDO. The associated UI update events also processed automatically, while the control has focus

Handlers bound to the following event types will receive one of the parameters

EVT_TEXT: . Respond to wxEVT_TEXT event, generated when text changes. Note that this event will be sent when the contents of a text control changes – called); view function that does not send this event. This event but not delivered during the manufacture of control

EVT_TEXT_ENTER :. Responding wxEVT_TEXT_ENTER event, generated when the insert is pressed in a text control that should have wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER style for this event will be generated <. / P>

EVT_TEXT_URL: a mouse event occurs via a URL in the text control

EVT_TEXT_MAXLEN :. This event is generated when a user tries to enter more text into the control of the limits set by, see description.

See also




< p> The default constructor.

Creating a text control for the construction of two steps.

Resetting the internal modified flag that if the current change has been saved.

The insert functions into control characters to be entered if the event occurs in a given key text control.

Returns the style currently used for new text.

Getting a certain line length, not including the trailing character (s) a new line.

Returns the contents of the control lines provided in the text, excluding the new line character (s).

Returns the number of lines in a text control buffer.

Returns the styles on this position in the text control.

Turn off caret native widgets on Windows.

find the character position at a certain point. Busy software free download 3.6 full version.

find rows and columns of characters in the specified period.

Returns true if the text has been modified by the user.

Returns true if this is a multi-line edit control and False otherwise.

Returns true if this is a single line edit control and False otherwise.

Many and displays the named file, if any.

Enable native spell checking for text widget on

Mark text modified (dirty).

Mac-only method to disable all automatic text substitution.

Mac-only method to enable / disable automatic substitution dashboard.

Mac-only method to turn on / off the automatic quotation substitution.

Convert text to coordinate the positions of the client in pixels.

Convert the positions to zero columns based pair line number.

Save the contents of control in a text file.

Change the default style for the use of the new text will be added to the control.

Marks control as modified by the user or not.

Changing the style of a given range.

Enable caret native widgets on Windows.

Make rows that contain visible position given.

Convert given zero by column and line number to the position.

NOP, file-like compatibility.

Add text to textctrl, because the beam-like compatibility.

View and


Possible constructor:

A text controls allow the text to be displayed and edited

overloaded Implementation :.

init__ __ (self)

The default constructor.

__ init__ (self, parent, id = ID_ANY, value = “”, pos = DefaultPosition, size = DefaultSize, style = 0, the validator = DefaultValidator, name = TextCtrlNameStr)

constructor, creating and showing a text control.

parent () – the parent window. There should be no

id (wx.WindowID) -. Control identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value

value (string) – . the value of the default text

post () -. Text position control

size () -. Text size control

style (long) – Window style. See

validator () -. Window validator

name (string) – . Name Window


horizontal scrollbar (wx“wx.HSCROLL“ style flag) will only be made to control a multi-line text. Without a horizontal scrollbar, lines of text that do not fit in the size of this control will be wrapped (but no newline character is inserted). a single control line does not have a horizontal scrollbar, automatic text scrolling so that the insertion point is always visible.

See also

Creating a text control for the construction of two steps.

This method must be called if a default constructor is used to control creation. parameter has the same meaning as for the non-default constructor

parent () -.

id (wx.WindowID) –

value (string) –

post () –

size () –

style (long) –

validator () –

name (string) –


Reset flag internal modified if the current changes have been saved

this function inserts into the control. characters to be entered if the event occurs in a given key text control.

object event should be the same as the one passed to the handler EVT_KEY_DOWN previously by wxWidgets. Please note that this functionality is currently not working properly for all the keys under the platform but MSW

show () -.


True if the event resulted in a change to the control, False otherwise

variant () -.

Returns the style currently used for new text .

See also

Got a specified line length, not including the character behind the line (s).

lineNo (long) – track number (starting from zero)


The length of the line, or -1 if lineNo unauthorized

Returns contents . control lines provided in the text, excluding trailing new line character (s)

lineNo (long) – . line number, starting from zero

String < / p>

fill line.

returns the number of rows in the control buffer text.

The number returned is the number of logical line, which only count the number of characters a new line in the control + 1, for wxGTK and OSX / Cocoa port while the number of physical lines, that is a matter of the line actually displayed in the control, in wxMSW. Because of these differences, it is not recommended to use this function.



Note that even empty text control has a single line (where the insertion point), so it never returns 0. < p> restoring force at this position in the text control.

Not all platforms support this functionality.

position (long) –

style () –


True on success, False if an error occurred (this may also be means that the style is not supported on this platform).

See also

Turn off caret native widgets on Windows.
Ignored on other platforms.


Finding the character position at a certain point.

If the return code is not TE_HT_UNKNOWN character position closest to this position is returned, otherwise the output parameters are not changed.

Please note that this function is currently only applied in Univ, wxMSW and wxGTK port and always returns TE_HT_UNKNOWN in other ports.

find rows and columns of characters at certain points.

Avengers 2 123 movies. Ultimate Avengers 2 The mightiest of heroes the ultimate Avengers must continue their war against the same aliens they fought. This time, the aliens and Captain America's old enemy Herr Kleiser (the alien shape shifter who supposedly died in 1945), are invading a hidden city in Africa, where the Black Panther is king.

If the return code is not TE_HT_UNKNOWN rows and columns of characters closest to this position is returned, otherwise the output parameters are not modified.

Please note that this function is currently only applied in Univ, wxMSW and wxGTK port and always returns TE_HT_UNKNOWN in other ports.

returns True if the text has been modified user.

Note that the call does not create a modified control.


See also

Returns true if this is a multi-track editing control and False otherwise.


See also

Returns true if this is a single line edit control and False otherwise.


See also

Many and displays the named file, if any.

filename (string) -. The file name of the file to load

filetype (int) – type files to load. It is currently ignored in.


True if successful, False otherwise.

Enable native spell checking for text widget on
OSX. Ignored on other platforms.

Mark text modified (dirty).

See also

Mac-only method to disable all automatic text substitution.

Mac-only method to enable / disable automatic substitution dashboard.

Mac-only method to enable / disable the automatic quote substitution.

Convert given text position to coordinate client in pixels

This function allows to find where the character at a specific position displayed in the control text

post (long) -. , the position of the text in the range 0 (inclusive).

on the successful results that contain the coordinates of the client for a particular position in pixels, if not restore wx.DefaultPosition.

New in version 2.9.3.


Only available for MSW, GTK. Additionally, wxGTK only apply this method to control multiline and wx.DefaultPosition always come back to that one line.

See also

Convert Position given. for zero-based column, line number pair

post (long) -. Position


Save the contents of control in a text file.

filename (string) -. the name of the file in which to store the text

filetype (int) – to save the file type. It is currently ignored in.


True if the operation was successful, False otherwise.

Change the default style to use for the new text will be added to the control.

This applies both to text and add programming using or text entered by the user interactively.

If one font, foreground or background colour is not set in style, the default style values ​​previously used for them. If the previous default style does not regulate them not, global font or color of text control itself is used as a fall back.

However, if the parameter is the default style, then only the default style (not combined with a new style that will not change at all)

style () – . style for new text < / p>


True on success, False if an error occurs (this also could mean that the style is not supported on this platform).

See also

Marks control as modified by the user or not

modified (bool) -.

See also

Change the style of a given range .

If the style attribute is not set, appropriate attributes of use < / p>

begin (length) – the initial range of change.

end (long) -. end of the range of change

style () -. a new style to the range of


True on success, False if an error occurred (this may also mean that the style is not supported on this platform).

See also

Enable caret native widgets on Windows.
Ignored on other platforms


Make the line that contains the given position visible

post (long) -… position must be visible

convert the given zero-based column and row numbers to position

x (length) – . the number column

y (long) – number of lines.


value of the position, or -1 if x or y is not valid.

NOP, file-like compatibility.

Add text to textctrl, because the beam-like compatibility.

View and


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wx.TextCtrl — wxPython Phoenix 4.1.0a1 documentation

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Add text control to frame : Text « wxPython « Python Tutorial

Creating Python GUI Applications with wxPython – Slacker News

wxPython – Having Fun with Silly Ciphers – The Mouse Vs. The Python

wxPython – Quick Guide – Tutorialspoint
wx.TextCtrl — wxPython Phoenix 4.0.7 documentation

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