I wanted to delay this in a later guide but since there are so many people hating on non summoner mages, I'll just release this so people may change their views on mages and maybe stop underestimating them.
Consider this a follow up to my old early access guide.
I will mention 2 skill combos in this guide, one with source and one without.
Lone wolf
Elemental Affinity
What a Rush
Here is a screenshot of my character at level 10 in act II tactician mode, as you can see there are many spells on the bar, the combos will involve these spells and more that I currently don't have access to. By end game I expect to have 10 ranks in huntsman for 75% more damage on high ground, 10 ranks in pyro, geo, and at least 5 ranks in poly.
First get your character low on hp, like 10% hp or so, you'll also need high initiative like me to delay turns.
combat start(cast haste before you start combat)
Run behind full cover, or use smoke cover spell to make enemies run out of hiding if they are far, this step may not be needed.
Use tactical retreat right next to an enemy on low ground, netherswap with another enemy, potentially on high ground, teleport a third enemy to the same spot.
cast flaming crescendo on one of the enemies, use chameleon cloak to end the turn, 1 ap + 1 ap + 2 ap + 2 ap + 1 = 7 ap
(Jump to high ground with cloak and dagger if you chose to avoid line of sight last turn and have spare ap, otherwise go to high ground on 4th turn)
End this turn without doing anything, or reposition if you need but have 2 ap leftover.
Delay this turn
Here is when the combo actually starts:
Throw explosive trap
Flesh sacrifice
Death wish (-1 ap)
Turn to oil
Impalement (-1 ap)
Throw dust (-1 ap)
Fossil strike (-1 ap)
Poison dart (-1 ap)
Fireball (-1 ap)
10 ap total
Death wish's damage bonus is not additive with int bonus.
Make sure to detonate the trap with the impalement to create fire ground so fossil strike and poison dart also causes surface damage, I'm not sure when flaming crescendo detonates since I don't have it yet but it should be either this turn or the next.
Spontaneous combustion (-1 ap)
Searing daggers (-1 ap)
Pressure spike
Dazing bolt (3 ap)
7/9 ap
You'll most likely leech above 50% vitality on the fourth turn so we get 1 less ap from What a Rush talent, there should be 2 ap left over for whatever, electric discharge, staff of magus, time warp etc. The water/lightning combo at the end ensures that enemies you couldn't kill gets stunned for an extra turn. Pressure spike removes burning, rain creates water, and Dazing bolt is a rather big aoe skill that shock enemy and also shock water to apply stun.
I will have to discover if wand can still perma stun enemies in water but I doubt it, so if enemies are still alive after stuns, use uncanny evasion to stall your cds. Edit: cryogenic stasis makes you lose a turn, so it's a bad skill, I'm not sure if it's intended this way or a bug.
This is a non source combo, a source combo I planned for later would look something like this:
Throw explosive trap
Flesh sacrifice
Death wish (-1 ap)
Turn to oil
Apotheosis (3 ap)
Pyroclastic eruption (-1 ap = 2ap)
Acid spores (-1 ap = 2ap)
Time warp (2 ap)
Impalement (-1 ap)
Throw dust (-1 ap)
Fossil strike (-1 ap)
Poison dart (-1 ap)
Assuming one pyroclastic eruption and trap won't break magic armor and leech vitality, What a Rush's effect stays on the Fifth turn.
Meteor Shower (-1 ap = 3ap)
Fireball (-1 ap)
Spontaneous combustion (-1 ap)
Skin graft (2 ap)
Meteor Shower (-1 ap = 3ap)
Flesh sacrifice
Blessed smoke cover
Whats a rush's effect should be off, 6 base ap, + 1 from haste, + 4 from adrenaline, and possibly +1 from flesh sacrifice at the end.
Note, the above combos doesn't take in account of combat ap gain from executioner, so more stuff can be squeezed into the combo, for example, epidemic of flame.
It's unfortunate that a lot of the mid level geo/pyro/aeo skills aren't very good.
Laser ray/fire whip/supernova/earthquake/poison wave all have the same issue, doesn't benefit from high ground damage bonus and have a somewhat lower damage/ap ratio except for poison wave which is the same as dart, but 75% damage bonus from high ground is simply way too good.
ALthough I'm currently encountering some enemies with very high magic armor and resistance, or large scattered groups of 5, I think I'll manage it and reach the source combo.
That's pretty much for the combo guide, I might do another full solo guide later if I finish and have spare time.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 builds are key to a succesful adventure, and thankfully the game’s character system is one of the most versatile out there. It allows for a huge amount of creativity: rather than being locked into class roles, you allocate skills however you want, creating your own builds and classes. Mathematica student version.

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