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When you do he tells you he has heard of the Rings of Blood Magic and that they should reside in the hands of. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Wiki Guide; Interactive Maps. Basic Mod Tutorial.

Blood Magic is a dark and ancient form of magic. It is most often used by vampires belonging to powerful bloodlines, who can use it to drain life, reanimate the dead, telekinetically lift others from a distance, summon gargoyles, and paralyze others.[1][2] Vampire Lords can only perform blood magic while levitating and can use their life drain effect to slay mortal men and enhance their blood magical power.[1][3] To a lesser extent, non-vampires can also use blood magic in combat to siphon health from enemies.[4]

Blood Magic rituals are performed to complete feats of great power. An elven arrow tainted with the blood of a pure-blooded Daughter of Coldharbour becomes a Bloodcursed elven arrow. If fired at the Sun with Auriel's Bow, it is capable of blotting out the Sun for an entire day.[5] Lord Harkon planned to use this method to becloud out the sun for eternity upon discovering the Tyranny of the Sun prophecy, so that he and his vampire kin would free to hunt at whatever time they pleased.[1] According to legend, the Great Sea Serpent terrorizing Serpent's Grotto was formed from the blood of a fish that pleaded for its life to the Bosmer, but was not spared. It came to terrorize the Bosmer until the clan decided to seal it away through the use of blood magic, sacrificing three of the clan's volunteers into blood wells.[6] A Blood Rune could be used to repair the seals on the wells if they ever came undone.[7][8] Though often requiring sacrifices, some blood magic can be performed with the use of animal blood.[9][10]

One of the more common applications of Blood Magic is in the creation of blood-forges and artifacts enhancing blood magic power. The Morkul Clan of Orcs once housed the Hand of Morkul, a terrible device that fused living captives into weapons and armor, as the centerpiece of their bloodforge within their clan holding of Morkuldin.[10][11] They revered Mephala, and were capable of creating gargoyles and living statues through blood magic to serve as guardians.[11][12] The Keptu constructed the Bloodroot Forge over a source of nirncrux before their decline.[13][14] The Dreadhorn Clan of Reachmen later used unholy rites to combine blood, nirncrux, and iron at the Forge to imbue their soldiers with blood-forged power.[15] The Blood of Mauloch is a blood magic spring of red water and mud used by the original Orcish inhabitants of Abamath as war paint, believed by them to imbue them with strength.[16] The bloodspring of Redwater Den and Bloodstone Chalice could improve vampiric blood powers.[5] The Rings of Blood Magic are a set of bone rings that increase vampiric power, and are said to have been given to ancient powerful vampire lords by Molag Bal himself.[17]


  • Vampiric Grip, a Blood Magic spell (Dawnguard)

  • A shield cast from Blood Magic (Dawnguard)

  • The Sun shadowed by the effects of a Bloodcursed arrow

  • A blood altar to Molag Bal

  • The Redwater Spring

  • The Rings of Blood Magic (Skyrim) Uni to bijoy converter.

  • Blood Magic sigil (ESO)

  • The Bloodroot Forge

    You will receive this product within 12 hours after placing the order. Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction Callister 8th Edition Solutions Manual. Solution manual materials science and engineering an introduction eighth edition.

  • The Hand of Morkul in the clan's blood-forge

  • The Dreadhorn Clan performing a blood sacrifice (ESO)

  • Lamae Bal's blood transfusion, transforming a vampire (ESO)

  • Blood seals being repaired through the use of a blood rune (ESO)

  • A Blood Sorceress

  • A Vampire Lord using blood magic (Legends)

See Also[edit]

  • For more information, see the Skyrim, ESO, and Legends articles.


  1. ^ abcDialogue with Lord Harkon
  2. ^Aundae Clan Sorcerer abilities
  3. ^Vampire Lord skill perks in Dawnguard
  4. ^Blood Magic and Drain Power abilities in ESO
  5. ^ abEvents of Dawnguard
  6. ^Sealing the Great Serpent
  7. ^Dialogue with Priestess Sendel
  8. ^The Serpent Lord quest
  9. ^Dialogue with Calawende
  10. ^ abDialogue with Ashaka
  11. ^ abThe Hand of Morkul quest
  12. ^Gharakul's Journal — Gharakul
  13. ^Nicolard's Notes on Ruin Origins — Nicolard Lia
  14. ^Nicolard's Notes on the Forge
  15. ^Blood-Forged Skin flavor text
  16. ^Arithiel's dialogue
  17. ^Dialogue with Feran Sadri
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The Rings of Blood Magic are a side-quest within the larger Dawnguard DLC quest. In order to obtain the rings, one must travel to two separate locations and retrieve them. The retrieval is fairly straight-forward and a bit easier than you might think. Here’s how to obtain the rings.

EDIT: It appears as though the dungeons are randomly selected, so the information provided here may not be your locations. If you are given a location where you’ve already killed a Dragon Priest or a ring doesn’t load on a giant, then reload to before you received the quest and try to get different dungeons. If you received the quest some time ago and the option to reload is not possible or too far back, then you’re out of luck until a patch is supplied.

How To Get The Rings of Blood Magic

  1. Head to Forsaken Cave which is S/SW of Winterhold, just SW of Yorgrim Overlook.
  2. Clear the dungeon and retrieve the Ring of the Erudite from a chest in front of the shout wall. TIP: Here’s where the easy part comes in. If you’ve already cleared Forsaken Crypt, then you can use a shortcut to regain entry and walk right up to the chest and shout wall. The shortcut entrance is to the right, before the staircases and iron door leading further into Forsaken Cave.
  3. Next, travel to Talking Stone Camp.
  4. The Ring of the Beast is carried by a giant at the camp. Kill the giant and retrieve the ring.
  5. If you accepted this quest from Feran Sadri, then return to Castle Volkihar and speak with him to receive 3 Potions of Blood.

If you missed this quest early on, you can still complete it later on as offered by a member of the court.

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This entry was posted on Thursday, June 28th, 2012 at 10:03 am

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Posted in: Gaming, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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