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Slaanesh is the Chaos God of lust, greed, excess, pain, pleasure, perfection and hedonism. Slaanesh was the last of the major Chaos Gods to be born—coming into existence with the collapse of the Eldar civilisation.

Slaanesh has found herself an entire new universe that her brothers have not. The One Piece universe. Creating a Devil Fruit from the shattered remains of her once favourite Daemonette: The Masque, Slaanesh sends it out into the new world waiting to be discovered. The Masque of Slaanesh, known also as the Eternal Dancer, Accursed Maiden, and Darkling Deceiver was once the most favoured of all the Daemonettes, but not she has been cursed by the Dark Prince for a perceived slight. 1: Warhammer Armies: Daemons of.

- Slaanesh -
Aspect:Lust, excess, pleasure, pain
Sacred Number:6
Traits:Pleasure seeker
Enemy God:Khorne
Daemons:Keeper of Secrets, Daemonette, Fiend, Steed of Slaanesh
  • 1Overview
  • 2Daemons of Slaanesh
  • 3Forces dedicated to Slaanesh



The name Slaanesh derives from Slaaneth — the god's name in the language of Chaos, (Slaa meaning 'ecstasy', 'pleasure', etc, Neth meaning 'lord of', 'master of', or 'prince of'; hence, the Prince of Pleasure). The correct adjective of things associated with Slaanesh (such as its worshipers) is 'Slaaneshi'.[Needs Citation]

Slaanesh typically appears in a form which is female on the right side and male on the left, with two sets of horns rising from its flowing golden hair. It can, however, assume any form—male, female, hermaphrodite or asexual—but prefers male bodies. Its sacred number is six. The symbol of Slaanesh combines the conventional symbols for male and female. It is also known by a multitude of titles, such as Prince of Chaos, Prince of Excess, Prince of Pleasure and Lord of Dark Delights. To the Eldar, who do not name the god, it is referred to only by the Lovecraftian titles of She Who Thirsts, She Who Is Not Named, The Great Enemy, The Great Serpent, etc. [Needs Citation]

Slaanesh was fully born at the moment of the Fall of the Eldar. The birth of Slaanesh created the Eye of Terror and slew most of the Eldar except those far enough away from the Eldar homeworlds to escape. This event also slew all the Eldar gods except for Khaine (who was shattered into many pieces), the Laughing God — Cegorach, and Isha — who was, according to one Craftworld, taken captive by the Chaos God Nurgle.[4]

Slaanesh has a neutral attitude to some of the other Gods of Chaos (as he is generally too caught up in his own pleasures to be interested in rivalries or alliances), but his particular enemy is Khorne, whose belief in pain and death is completely opposed to Slaanesh's principle of a life of unrestricted pleasure.[Needs Citation]

Worship of Slaanesh

Slaanesh's symbol is rarely worn openly by its followers. They instead often wear items of jewellery bearing erotic motifs. Followers dress in robes which are often opened to leave the right side of the chest uncovered, a requirement of many of the rituals involved in his worship. Pastel and electric shades are the chief colours, although white may be used as well. These colours are also sometimes carried over into everyday wear, although they may be modified to fit in with current fashions. In all cases, all Slaanesh followers wear garb of sensuously high quality.[1b]

Even the most militant of Slaanesh's followers do not deny themselves this hedonistic lifestyle; cultist hideouts may be fortified and stocked with weapons, but they are equally stocked with luxurious furniture, sumptuous food, and erotic decorations.[10a]

In the mythology of the primitive inhabitants of Fenris, 'Sla Nahesh' (presumably a misinterpretation of Slaanesh) is an evil deity, described as the offspring of the dark god Horus and the dragon goddess Skrinneir, and is imprisoned within one of the planet's volcanic islands after being defeated by Leman Russ.[6]

The masque of slaanesh warscroll

Daemons of Slaanesh

The Legions of Excess

The armies of Slaanesh are known as the Legions of Excess. Each Legion is commanded by a Keeper of Secrets, though there are cases where a favored Daemon Prince is known to have lordship instead. Below these commanders are Daemon Princes or Heralds of Slaanesh, each in command of one of six formations. While some of the Dark Prince's generals are obsessive in commanding a single type of legion, the majority will change formations as mood or need suits them.[13]

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There are several types of Legions of execess. Flayer Legions are geared towards wanton destruction and their many Daemonettes take great pleasure in the act. The Hunter Legions are masters of quick kills and are built primarily around fast moving cavalry and chariots. The flamboyant Glamiatrix Legions are the most sorcerous, relying heavily upon psychic powers and mesmerism. The Terror Legions are a shock force specializing in elaborate and gory displays of combat, infamous for unleashing a barrage upon the senses that can overwhelm weak-willed enemies. The Legions of Eternal Punishment have no specialty, but rather call upon the damnations of Slaanesh, intermixing magics and temptation alongside battlecraft. The strangest of Slaanesh's legions are known as the Courante Legions. To them, battle is but a dance and their Daemons whirl about one another as they slay their foes in bizarrely choreographed maneuvers. While they lack the speed of other Legions, their elegance and creativity captures the favor of their master more than practical assaults could ever hope.[13]

Daemons of Excess

Daemons of Slaanesh are elegant and eerily beautiful, agile and graceful while also cruel and violent to the extreme. Slaanesh's servants are both horrific and alluring, mesmerizing and loathsome. Although they can not match the raw power of Khorne's armies, the resiliency of Nurgle's tallybands, or the eldritch might of Tzeentch's hosts, Daemons of Slaanesh are possessed of a speed and lethality that is unequaled.[13]

  • Keepers of Secrets — the Greater Daemons of Slaanesh. They can resemble huge, bestial and ugly creatures or lithe, terrifying creatures with an unholy beauty.
  • Daemonettes — the common Daemons of Slaanesh they are disturbingly beautiful - often feminine on one side, masculine on the other. They usually have crab-like claws instead of hands.
    • Infernal Enrapturess - Herald of Slaanesh
  • Steeds of Slaanesh — the daemonic mounts of Slaanesh, lurid snakelike creatures who lash with their prehensile tongues. They are often ridden by Daemonettes, as well as gifted to favoured Champions.
  • Fiends of Slaanesh — the daemonic beasts of Slaanesh, they are a bizarre hybrid of insectoid, reptilian and human.
  • Hate-Angel — Flight-capable Daemons
  • Cackling Abomination - Daemonhost

Daemon Engines of Slaanesh

A Daemon Engine is a part-technological, part-daemonic vehicle, those dedicated to Slaanesh include the Slaanesh Subjugator[5] and Sonic Dreadnought

Titans of Slaanesh

Forces dedicated to Slaanesh

Chaos Space Marines

A Chaos Space Marine of Slaanesh[9]
  • The Emperor's Children — Chaos Space Marines, once amongst the Emperor's most loyal servants they turned traitor during the Horus Heresy. Most of their remaining members are little more than hedonistic psychopaths who often wield unique sonic weaponry in battle.

Over the thousands of years since the Horus Heresy, a few other Space Marine chapters have inevitably fallen to the seductions of Slaanesh and become renegades. Among these are[Needs Citation]:

  • The Violators
  • The Corpus Brethren
  • The Children of Torment
  • The Exquisite Host
  • The Silken Death
  • The Punishers[14]
  • The Sirens of Agony[15]

Renegades and Cults

  • House Glaw[7]

Daemonic Warbands

  • The Golden Host
  • The Decadent Horde

Traitor Titan Legions

Notable Servants of Slaanesh

  • Fulgrim — Primarch of the Emperor's Children, now a powerful Daemon Prince
  • Zarakynel — the most revered of Slaanesh's Keepers of Secrets
  • N'Kari — A Daemon Prince who fought on Horus's Battle barge during the Heresy
  • Shalaxi Helbane - A Keeper of Secrets
  • The Masque — A powerful Daemonette and Daemonic Herald of Slaanesh
  • Lucius — former Captain of the Emperor's Children, now a favoured Champion of Slaanesh
  • Syll'Esske - Daemon Prince
  • Emeli Duboir — leader of a Chaos cult on Slawkenberg, later manifests as a powerful Daemoness on Adumbria[10b][11]

Gifts of Slaanesh

Main article: Gifts of Slaanesh

As with all the Chaos Gods, Slaanesh will often reward his most favoured followers with special gifts and blessings. Slaanesh's gifts can take many forms, including physical mutations, daemon weapons or an exotic appearance.

The Palace of Slaanesh

  • Main article: Palace of Slaanesh
The Palace of Slaanesh[17]

The Palace of Slaanesh is Slaanesh's realm within the Warp. Those that dare his realm risk becoming trapped in its warped delights for eternity.[4]

This article needs work on its citations.
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  • 1: Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness (1988)
    • 1a: pg. 14
    • 1b: pp. 16, 30-34
  • 2: Realm of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned (1990), pg. 80
  • 3: 'The Torturer's Tale', saved archived page of GW site(dated May 2008, last accessed 19 January 2018)
  • 4: Codex: Chaos Daemons (4th Edition),[Needs Citation]
  • 5: Saved Archived Page of the Games-Workshop Site(dated March 2011, last accessed 19 January 2018)
  • 6: Space Wolf (Novel) — The Space Wolf Omnibus by William King: Chapter One, pg. 28
  • 7: Xenos (Novel) by Dan Abnett — Eisenhorn (Omnibus), Chapter Twenty-One, pg. 212
  • 8: Index Astartes I, pg. 26
  • 9: The Art of Warhammer 40,000 pg. 156
  • 10: The Traitor's Hand (Novel) — Ciaphas Cain: Hero of the Imperium by Sandy Mitchell:
    • 10a: Chapter Seven, pgs. 581–582
    • 10b: Chapter Twenty, pgs. 747–749
  • 11: The Beguiling (Short Story) by Sandy Mitchell
  • 12: Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th Edition) pg. 17
  • 13: Codex: Chaos Daemons (8th Edition) — The Legions of Excess
  • 14: Dark Hunters: Umbra Sumus (Novel) - Chapter 23
  • 15: Pain Aeterna (Short Story)

Gods of ChaosKhorne • Tzeentch • Slaanesh • Nurgle • Malice
Chaos Space MarinesDaemonkin • Armoury • Warbands
DaemonsDaemon Prince • Greater Daemon • Lesser Daemon • Daemonic Beasts • Daemon Engines • Daemonic Herald • Daemon Weapons • Daemonic Gifts
The Lost and the DamnedChaos Cult • Traitor Guard • Mutants • Beastmen • Rogue Psyker • Gellerpox Infected • Armoury
The Traitor PrimarchsAlpharius/Omegon • Angron • Fulgrim • Horus • Lorgar • Konrad Curze • Magnus the Red • Mortarion • Perturabo
Notable CharactersAbaddon • Ahriman • Blue Scribes • Changeling • Epidemius • Fabius Bile • Horticulous Slimux • Kairos Fateweaver • Ku'Gath • Typhus • Khârn • Lucius • Lufgt Huron • Be'lakor • M'kar • The Masque • Rotigus • Shalaxi Helbane • Skarbrand • Skulltaker • Syll'Esske
OtherTraitor Titan Legions • Daemon Knights • Dark Mechanicum • Chaos Space Fleet • Chaos Vehicles • Chaos Artefacts • Eye of Terror • Maelstrom • Warp
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Formerly Slaanesh's favorite Daemonette, now on his permanent shit list.Created when Slaanesh had a fixation on dancing, she is literally the most perfect dancer ever (except for that one time in 40k when an EldarSolitaire (possibly just a troll by Cegorach) beat her in a dance-off). Supposedly a hermaphrodite as others daemonnetes but this is likely imperial propaganda as she won't return any of their calls.

  • 2On The Tabletop

The Legend[edit]

After Tzeentch baited Slaanesh into a war against Khorne and Nurgle that resulted in his biggest ass-whooping to date, he sat back on his throne fuming. Not about the loss, but about being humiliated in front of the entirety of Chaos because that's just how Slaanesh operates. Masque, seeing her master was sad, started dancing to cheer him up, intending to get him so horny he'd forget about the whole thing (having forgotten the key part of Interpretive Dance is 'Interpretive').

Slaanesh thought she was dancing to insult him, and snapped his fingers to place a curse on her. She's perma-banned from any pleasure that isn't dancing, including sight, sound, sex, drugs, pride, and so forth. She can only tell the stories that make Slaanesh look badass, and only through dancing. No longer the best Daemonette ever, she's just a moving flag for Slaanesh. Note that no other HNIC Daemonette was ever identified, meaning it is possibly still Masque despite her..'disability'.

So why is she so damn special anymore? She doesn't just play the part of Slaanesh, she draws anyone around her into doing the same. If she dances a story of Dechala carving through Bretonnian Knights, Grey Knights may find themselves prancing forward as if riding invisible horses before their entrails spill out of their Power Armor. If she dances the story of Slaanesh in 40k consuming the Eldar, the souls of Asur find themselves pulled into the gullet of her master.

On The Tabletop[edit]

Warhammer Fantasy[edit]

Being unable to join Units, Masque is not that great a choice. If carried into an enemy Unit she can deal some decent punishment and play some games, but she's not tournament tier.

Warhammer 40000[edit]

Counts as a Herald, but without any of the Herald benefits. Her sole purpose is debuffing a Deathstar Unit, otherwise she's even worse than in Fantasy.

Age of Sigmar[edit]

A bit more survivable than in the other Warhammers, she now has a rolloff against opponents trying to hurt her where she can shut down their attack if he gets a higher result. She can also reroll her Hit rolls if she has the same Movement as her opponents. Her main ability is making enemy models within 12 inches move at half speed, so getting her near your opponent's models will makes them move like they're in tar for at least one turn.

The 9th Age[edit]

Masque doesn't exist in T9A rules as of yet. There are no named characters in the game at the moment, but the most important abilities have either been incorporated directly into the army or through magic items that allow you to emulate the character. Masque however has no equivalent, meaning her model is just a standard Herald with a backstory.


  • The Masque's old model.

  • The Masque's new model.

  • The Masque in the trading card game.

The Daemons of Chaos
Greater Daemons:An'ggrath
Shalaxi Helbane
Amon 'Chakai
Kairos Fateweaver
Lesser Daemons:Karanak
Horticulous Slimux
The Masque
Syll Lewdtongue
The Changeling
The Blue Scribes
Daemon Princes:Angron
Valkia the Bloody
Magnus the RedSkreech VerminkingBe'lakor
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