I hope someone can help here, as I'm getting really frustrated. Nothing like a broken quest to destroy the momentum of a playthrough.

BugFallout 4 vault 81 elevator bug

I'm art the point where Jack kneels next to Edward. But there is no Edward! His NPC is missing, so Jack just kneels there in contemplation forever. Gemini firstmix pro drivers. I had the same issue with Emogene earlier, but someone had posted the setstage commands to get around it. I've not been so lucky this time.

I've tried shooting Jack so he would reset, I've tried disabling and enabling him, but of course neither of these put edward where he is supposed to be. I've tried reloading to a point before we entered the Asylum, and nada.

Fallout4: Reunions mission bug. Ask Question Asked 4 years ago. This elevator will be inaccessible before a quest trigger in Reunions, so if it doesn't work when you get there then you've missed a quest trigger and have a problem. Fallout 4: The Molecular Level Bug. May 10, 2016  Fallout 4 General Discussions Topic Details. May 10, 2016 @ 2:35pm Stuck in vault 118 / 113 There seems to be no way out if vault 118 / 113, the elevator dont work If you have clues or the way out, or know the way out, Please share. Thank you Last edited by kilo. I wouldn't say it was a really bad bug - more of a minor.


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